Super Star Purchase Plan


Amount Payable Minimum - Rs.10,000/-

Maturity Period - 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 Months.

Bonus - As in the following table.

Value Addition upto 15%

*For 3 months closure 25% VA discount elgible
*For 6 months closure 50% VA discount elgible
*For 9 months closure 75% VA discount elgible
*For 12 months closure 100% VA discount elgible
*For 12 months closure 100% VA discount elgible &GST will be paid by Sri krishna jewellers

Terms and conditions:

VA valid till 15%.

Precious & Semi Precious stones will be charged extra.

For pre-close,bonus will be there for previous term.

Old gold will be valued based on quality and converted in to grams.

Rate fix can be done anytime during scheme period. Once, rate fixed,cannot be changed.

Value addition limited to 15%. Extra VA will be borne by customer.

Can be taken as gold coin, kaasu after three months. No GST.

GST applicable for investment upto 12 months.

For,very unique items that are not bound to skj’s manufacturing, will not be done.

Can be used for gold jewellery only. Not for diamonds & other items.

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